So Fresh And So Clean
Hello my name is Monica,
I am the owner of So fresh and So clean and I seen you were looking for a house cleaner to come in and clean once a month. I wanted to reach and and offer my services to you I would love to discuss more my number is 513-365-1268 feel free to call me or text have a great weekend.
1 employee
1 year in business
Serves North Bend , OH
Property type
Apartment / condo, One-story house, Two-story house, Multi-unit building
Number of rooms
1 room, 2 rooms, 3 rooms, 4 rooms, 5 rooms, 6 rooms
Stains to clean
Food stains, Drink stains, Pet stains
Carpeted stairs
No stairs, 1 flight, 2 flights, 3 flights
Cleaning method
Customers that want steam cleaning, Customers that want dry cleaning, Customers that don't have a preference
Pets in home
Houses with pets, Houses without pets
Smokers in home
Houses with regular smokers, Houses without regular smokers
No reviews (yet)
Ask this pro for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.
Services offered
Commercial Cleaning
Home Organizing
House Cleaning
Carpet Cleaning