TLC Cleaning Service
I am very trustworthy and take pride in the cleaning services I provide in your home. I offer weekly, by-weekly and monthly services.
1 employee
8 years in business
Serves Norfolk , VA
Payment methods
Cash, Check, Venmo
Cleaning type
Standard cleaning, Deep cleaning, Move-out cleaning
Extra services
Fridge cleaning, Oven cleaning, Window cleaning (interior)
Number of bedrooms
Studio, 1 bedroom, 2 bedrooms, 3 bedrooms, 4 bedrooms, 5 bedrooms, 6 bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
1 bathroom, 2 bathrooms, 3 bathrooms, 4 bathrooms, 5 bathrooms
Cleaning frequency
Just once, Every week, Every 2 weeks, Once a month
No pets in home, Pets in home
No reviews (yet)
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Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
Upon an initial introduction I like for the customer to show me around there home/business and let me know the services they are looking for. Whether the customer stays in the home or not I usually start in the back of the home and work myself to the front of the home. I do offer my services where pets are in the home however I do not clean up after them (such and poop and pee) I am very easy going and take pride in my work.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I have been in the cleaning business 5 plus years proving services for residental and businesses
Do you have a standard pricing system for your services? If so, please share the details here.
My pricing is based on the condition of the home what needs to be done and/or how many bedrooms, bathrooms and an estimated time on how long the job will take to be completed.
How did you get started in this business?
I started in the cleaning business helping out a family relative with her cleaning business.
What types of customers have you worked with?
I have worked for all types of customers I am not picky.
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
I am a relativily new grandmother and she is my hole world.
What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a pro in your area of expertise?
I would advice a customer to mamke sure you follow your intuition on who you hire to come into your home.
What questions should customers think through before talking to pros about their needs?
I think they need to be specific on the services they are expecting such as... some people want certain types of cleaning supplies used for example there are people who do not want bleech used in there homes, some customers want only natural cleaning supplies.
Services offered
House Cleaning