Fred Galvez Co
50+ years of daily hands on construction work .. possess top notch trade and technical skills . I work for most government agencies ( federal, state and local throughout Southwestern PA) I also use my skills to help residential and commercial customers . My bonded government work is performed under the name investment & enterprise inc for past 50 years .. and my residential work is performed under my own name - Fred Galvez
I have many 5 star reviews and profiles on Home Advisor and Networx
I love using my skills to provide top notch work . I am very creative and have gained a wealth of knowledge during my past 50+ continuous years in the trade . I've thousands of photos of completed jobs and will try to upload some here !
Photos and videos

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Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
immediately upon receiving their contact info we send a text or email to them containing 10-20 photos with references of similar completed jobs, then followup with a phone call within 15-30 minutes
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
50+ years daily hands on work .. earned a PhD in " on thejob " experience : )
Attended many college level evening and correspondence classes to supplement my field experience .. possess PA CDL, Penn State Horticultural degree , union card ( when needed on government work - earned in 1969) , graduate Chicago Institute of Technology in 1968 ( in materials science , blueprint reading , surveying , construction formulaes and mathmatics , etc ) I'm a lifelong learner , posess two construction patents , enjoy life and what I do ! I've lectured nationally ( for fun and experience ) on construction innovations ..but mostly I'm just a very good andknowledgable construction worked who enjoys using his mind and body ~ Call me once you'll see !
Do you have a standard pricing system for your services? If so, please share the details here.
umm, this really depends on crew size needed ( one man or six ? ) and the amount of equipment ( if any ) needing assigned to the job ..
How did you get started in this business?
for $ 1 per hour building houses in the summer of 1965 after graduating with honors from Central Catholic High School that year .. I thought I'd do it to get a nice tan that summer - now 53 years has passed ! and I'm trying to get my second 50 years in !!
What types of customers have you worked with?
individual residences .. Verizon, Gulf Oil , Exxon, Pgh Airport Authority , Allegheny County Comissioners , General Electric, Dept of Energy, US Dept of the Interior , US Army Corps of Engineers , PA Dept of General Services , Department of Defense , Pittsburgh Board of Education , Pgh HOusing Authority , North Allegheny School District literally thousands of clients . After 50 years , now I do this for fun ! each job poses a challange whether large or small !
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
Umm , 50 years of church volunteering ..
What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a pro in your area of expertise?
talk specifics with the prospective contractor - check his knowledgability, give no money up front.. other than maybe 3-5% upon contract signing , check references , go by your gut , on contractd over $ 5K dispurse funds following a specific schedule of values based actual work completed and accepted, consider holding back 5% a retainage until final completion and acceptance . These are the prudent steps to follow ! If you follow these you minimize your risk .
What questions should customers think through before talking to pros about their needs?
The homeowner or client should try to prepare a " scope of work " outline . The more precise ( at least in their mind ) the better the final outcome is likely to be .. contingencies and vagueness can lead to fuzzier outcomes .