A&A Handyman
My name is Chris, I have 7 years of experience working in and around houses.
Good at taking care of things around the house and general construction. Looking for small odds and ins that I can help people out with. Im trying to establish myself and create something that one day I can pass down. I’m quick, efficient, kind and caring. I have common sense and I take pride in that these days.
1 employee
1 year in business
Serves Wichita , KS
Estimated hours
Less than 2 hours of work, 2 – 5 hours of work, A full day of work
Project type
Repairs, Installation, Maintenance, Assembly, Painting, Cleaning, Other handyman services
Project location
Bathroom, Kitchen, Living room, Bedroom, Basement, Attic, Garage, Deck or porch, Closet, Other areas
Work focus
Doors, Windows, Walls (inside), Walls (outside), Flooring, Lighting, Plumbing, Cabinets, Furniture, Shelving, Wall hangings, Molding or baseboards, Appliances, Electrical, Tiling, Gutters, Other areas
Property type
Home, Business
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Services offered
Drywall Installation And Hanging
Drywall Repair And Texturing
Demolition Services
Deck Or Porch Repair
Finish Carpentry - Trim - Crown Molding
Door Installation
Door Repair
Fence Repair