Bay Shore Cleaning & Restoration
Bay Shore Cleaning & Restoration, founded in 2008, serves Tampa, FL, and its surrounding areas. Renowned for its quality craftsmanship and competitive pricing, the company specializes in cleaning, sealing, and restoring various surfaces including marble, granite, travertine, and terrazzo. They are experts in tile and grout cleaning, color sealing, wood floor intensive cleaning, and carpet & upholstery cleaning. Their commitment to customer service and satisfaction, coupled with over a decade in the stone restoration business, makes them a trusted choice for floor and surface maintenance.
Property type
Apartment / condo, One-story house, Two-story house, Multi-unit building
Number of rooms
1 room, 2 rooms, 3 rooms, 4 rooms, 5 rooms, 6 rooms
Stains to clean
Food stains, Drink stains, Pet stains
Carpeted stairs
No stairs, 1 flight, 2 flights, 3 flights
Cleaning method
Customers that want steam cleaning, Customers that want dry cleaning, Customers that don't have a preference
Pets in home
Houses with pets, Houses without pets
Smokers in home
Houses with regular smokers, Houses without regular smokers
No reviews (yet)
Ask this pro for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.
Services offered
Floor Cleaning
Floor Polishing
Tile Installation
Rug Cleaning
Tile And Grout Cleaning
Upholstery And Furniture Cleaning
Carpet Cleaning
Flooring Installation
Floor Repair