Master Painting
Master’s Painting provides expert painting service to help you beautify your home. Our interior painting service is precise and neat, leaving you with perfectly painted walls without any drips or streaks. We put plenty of care and attention into our cabinet painting services so you can enjoy your new storage space. We also do exterior painting using professional equipment and quality paint, ensuring the results last for years! Master’s Painting specializes in interior painting for homes and businesses. We have the finesse and attention to detail necessary for a job like window painting. Our team can also install and repair drywall. We can also add texture to drywall, including swirls, pebbling, and more. Call today!"
1 employee
7 years in business
Serves Los Angeles , CA
Payment methods
Cash, Check, Zelle
Estimated hours
Less than 2 hours of work, 2 – 5 hours of work, A full day of work
Project type
Repairs, Installation, Maintenance, Assembly, Painting, Cleaning, Other handyman services
Project location
Bathroom, Kitchen, Living room, Bedroom, Basement, Attic, Garage, Deck or porch, Closet, Other areas
Work focus
Doors, Windows, Walls (inside), Walls (outside), Flooring, Lighting, Plumbing, Cabinets, Furniture, Shelving, Wall hangings, Molding or baseboards, Appliances, Electrical, Tiling, Gutters, Other areas
Property type
Home, Business
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Services offered
Drywall Installation And Hanging
Drywall Repair And Texturing
Exterior Painting
Demolition Services
Deck Or Porch Repair
Fence Painting
Finish Carpentry - Trim - Crown Molding
Door Installation
Door Repair
Basement Finishing
Tile Installation
Deck Or Porch Addition
Fence Repair
Interior Painting
Home Remodeling
Fence Installation
Kitchen Remodel
Bathroom Remodel
Flooring Installation
Cabinet Painting