PC & Mac Computer Repair
Receive high-quality professional services, from PC & Mac Computer Sales and Repair based in San Diego CA. Whether your project is large or small, we can provide the resources and solutions you need to get the job done right. Our track record for consistency, timely service, and subject matter expertise make insurmountable tasks possible to overcome. Our company is here to assist by providing a wide range of apple and PC computer services at affordable prices. To get the best Mac computer services simply contact us at your earliest convenience.
As a experience provider of apple and PC computer repair , we take pride in offering the best and more accurate computer diagnostic. We are dedicated to serving the needs of our customers each and every day. 17 years experience on apple computer repair, services includes @ motherboard water damage fix @ Mac OSX install and upgrade @ screen and glass MacBook and Mac air replace @ hard disk drive and optical drive replace @ data backup and recovery @ user admin, MDM and iCloud EFI password unlock @ apple parts sale and replace More services available also service regular PC, iPads and iPhones