U Build It

U Build It

5.0(1 review)


Save 15-20% with the UBuildIt owner builder method! The owner built custom home enables you to build on your own land/lot & build more home for your money!

We get to help people build truly custom homes and they are all different.


Serves Fort Worth , TX


0 reviews


Bob P.

Because of the savings on the home, we were able to upgrade the energy efficiency in several areas, including better windows and doors, spray cellulose insulation, and geothermal heat and hot water. So the home not only cost us less to build, it will cost us less to operate for years to come.
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December 29, 2017

Frequently asked questions

We are a professional construction-consulting firm and stand ready to provide any of the following services to help you with your building project. 
1. Our Construction Consultant will visit and review the property you’re considering purchasing to see if the site is compatible with your building plans and budget. 
2. We will help you establish a realistic, workable budget.
3. Our Consultant can help you select home plans that fit your land, your budget and your requirements. 
4. Our service includes giving you complete, detailed costing of your project using bids from subcontractors, wholesale cost reporting and no cost overruns. 
5. We can walk you through the loan and permitting process.
6. Your Consultant is available by phone 24 hours a day to answer your questions and concerns. 
7. We visit your building site 23 times during all phases of construction, and with you present, evaluate progress.
8. Our trained Consultants give you the project planning skills you need to complete your construction. 
9. We provide you with a complete construction manual covering: 
a. Accounting
b. Project planning
c. Estimating
d. Detailed construction calendars and action lists.
e. Subcontractor and supplier specification sheets. 
f. Change order forms. 
g. Construction overview.
10. Our Consultants will give you a list of qualified subcontractors and suppliers who provide volume discounts to UBuildIt Owner-Builders, and we will provide you with two competitive bids for every major part of construction.
11. We will facilitate project-planning meetings at our office throughout your construction.

Services offered

New Home Construction