Biff's Plumbing Gurus

Biff's Plumbing Gurus

5.0(1 review)


We are established within our community and we advertise through phone book marketing, word of mouth, and internet advertisments. We are always available to our customers, and we stand behind or work and commitments.

I began working in the pumbing industry as a young person, my father owned a plumbing company all my life. He passed 4 years ago so I would say its personal to me and imperative I live up to the standard he conveyed throughout our family/business. Also I like being part of the community in which stands on the front line of protecting our populations water source.I take great pride in being a plumber. Responsible Master Plumber.


4 employees
21 years in business
Serves Onalaska , TX


0 reviews


Freddy D.

This is a plumbing company you can trust.
... Show more
September 15, 2017

Frequently asked questions

Setting up an appointment to meet with them to discuss the project at hand, at this point we go to the office and type up a proposal /contract send via e-mail.  Upon approval from the customer we schedule a start date.  The first day we go out we go over the contract and have them sign it, then purchase materials upon approval from customer, then begin the project.

I attended an apprentice program through Houston Texas and I have 24 years experience and a Responsible Master Plumber License in which I obtained June 12, 2008.  Once a year I go to an accredited course through the Texas State Board in Austin Texas for continuing education.

Usually a flat rate and I do the labor and materials per job within that rate so I am not charging my customers fees incorporated through the state and their affiliates.  I am very fair and give senior citizen discounts/Veterns.


Gold and Silver buyers

City of Cleveland- City Hall, community center, library, South Side Elementary, Civic Center, EMT Building/Firehouse, Tarkington High School:

Residential repair, service, and remodel

I would get the contract in writing and make sure you are as through as possible.  Carry yourself in a professional manner at all times.

Depends on the problem at hand.

Services offered

Plumbing Pipe Installation
Plumbing Pipe Repair
Shower And Bathtub Installation
Shower And Bathtub Repair