24/7 customer Emergency services, home plumbing inspection, problems troubleshooting , consultants by appointment, water filter system for drinking and cooking,sewer and drain cleaner,assist customer complete their projects, been in business out of NYC for 20 plus years,
The satisfied customer face and their peace of mind
Payment methods
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Mary B.
Frequently asked questions
Do you have a standard pricing system for your services? If so, please share the details here.
Some jobs are charged by the hour others are by the job it's on a individual needs bases.plus price increases after 6:00 pm on weeks days and weekend/ holidays
How did you get started in this business?
funny story my Mom was in the process of getting a new house I had just started in junior high no clue what my career in life would be Mom said to me you are the elder in the house they will be plugged waste line,water leaks,toilet clogged, so you should major in plumbing and your brother will be the electrician and that the extent of our conversation well 35 years later I am still a plumber Moms know best but don't tell her I said that her head may grow lol.Love you Mom RIp.
What types of customers have you worked with?
Residential,Commercial,Industrial,big and small
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
one of my New York City wall ST customers call rotor router because they had this grave foul Oder coming inside the apartment no one new where it was coming from they could not figure it out so they call us an I arrive on the job was a Saturday afternoon rotor router guy gave up and lye left.I got straight to work after probing around I deduced that the problem was coming from a defective vent in the kitchen zone wall the entire kitchen counter and wall had to be removed and sure enough bullseye on the money I call it.Repiar was completed the customer was so please that right after he contracted us for another project it was a win win for a satisfying experience.
What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a pro in your area of expertise?
make sure that everyone is on the same page,use pictures if necessary to be crystal clear this way you get the guessing out the equation, get all in writing we are only human right?
What questions should customers think through before talking to pros about their needs?
Lent of work, cost, if there a service charge if work is not done,recall charge,guaranteed