Diesel Painting & Drywall LLC
Founded in 2006, Diesel Painting & Drywall LLC is a family-owned, full-service painting contractor delivering high-quality services to Las Vegas, NV and surrounding areas. Managed by Victor Garcia, a third-generation painting contractor with over 25 years of experience, Diesel Painting specializes in both interior and exterior painting, drywall repair and installation, cabinet refinishing, and color consultations. Their commitment to customer satisfaction and use of high-quality products ensures projects are completed effectively, on time, and to the highest standard. Whether residential or commercial, Diesel Painting is your go-to solution for all painting and drywall needs.
Property type
Residential, Commercial
Type of painting / coating needed
Coating on new surface, Repainting - color change, Recoating
Current flooring
Hardwood, Laminate wood, Concrete, Tile, Vinyl or linoleum sheet, Customer isn't sure
Current finish
Coating, Paint, No finish
Current condition of floor
Smooth, Rough, Small fissures, Large uneven surfaces
Square footage of project
Less than 500 sq ft, 500 – 1,000 sq ft, 1,000 – 1,500 sq ft, 1,500 – 2,000 sq ft, 2,000 – 2,500 sq ft, 2,500 – 3,000 sq ft, More than 3,000 sq ft
Client supplying paint
Customers that supply paint, Customers that don't supply paint, Customers that want an opinion on paint
No reviews (yet)
Ask this pro for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.
Services offered
Drywall Installation And Hanging
Drywall Repair And Texturing
Exterior Painting
Cabinet Repair
Faux Finishing Or Painting
Floor Painting Or Coating
Interior Painting
Wallpaper Removal
Epoxy Floor Coating
Cabinet Painting