Mosquito Authority - Shelby/Gastonia, NC is a local pest control company specializing in mosquito elimination. We know how frustrating it can be to have pests like ticks and mosquitoes taking over your garden, especially when they pose a threat to your family's health. That's why we take our work so seriously: we want you to be able to enjoy spending time outdoors without worrying about getting bitten! Our service at mosquito company in Shelby, NC, and Gastonia, NC is simple: we start by approaching the job with an open mind and a willingness to listen to your concerns, then we build a customized plan that addresses those issues specifically. We'll also give you options for how often we come out to spray (based on how much time you spend in your yard) and what products we use (depending on what works best).
Address: 419 Dick Spangler Rd., Shelby, North Carolina, 28150, United States
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