Pros and cons of solar energy
Columbus, OH

Pros and cons of solar energy

Columbus, OH

Pros and cons of solar energy

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Tara Farmer
Written by
Tara Farmer
Edited by
Jennifer Carlson
Fact-checked by
Kristen Cramer

Solar energy pros and cons

Weighing the pros and cons of solar energy is an essential step in determining whether solar power is the best choice for you. Solar power is a truly renewable energy source that can reduce or eliminate electricity bills and potentially increase home value. However, the expensive upfront cost may not be feasible for everyone.

This guide covers the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy to help you make an informed decision about whether shifting to solar power is right for your home or business.

Pros and cons of solar power
Aspect Pros Cons
Cost Long-term savings, lower electricity bills High initial investment
Aesthetics Modern, sleek designs available May be unattractive to some
Environmental impact Clean, renewable energy Some manufacturing impact
Maintenance Low maintenance requirements Occasional cleaning needed
Longevity 25+ year warranties Gradual efficiency decline
Reliability Energy independence Weather dependent
Versatility Scalable for various applications Space requirements, does not work for every roof type

What is solar energy, and how does it work?

Solar energy harnesses the power of the sun to generate electricity or heat. The most common method to do this is with photovoltaic (PV) panels, more frequently called solar panels. Here's a brief overview of how solar energy systems work:

  1. Solar panels absorb sunlight.

  2. The panels convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity.

  3. An inverter changes DC electricity into alternating current (AC) for use in homes and businesses.

  4. The system can store excess energy in batteries or feed it back into the power grid.

Photovoltaic tiles offer another method of capturing the sun's energy and look more like a traditional roof than installing large solar panels. However, these solar shingle roofs cost much more than solar panels and produce less power, so they are typically not worth the higher cost.

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Advantages of solar energy

Renewable & clean

Solar is truly renewable. While fossil fuels are finite and contribute to climate change, sunlight is abundant and clean. By using solar power, you are tapping into an endless energy source that doesn’t produce emissions or pollutants. This makes solar energy an eco-friendly option that can significantly reduce your carbon footprint.

Lower electricity bills

One of the biggest benefits of solar energy is the potential to save on your electricity bills. Generating your own power and reducing your dependence on the grid can mean significant savings, especially in areas with high electricity rates. In many cases, homeowners can eliminate their electricity bills completely.

Low maintenance

With no moving parts, solar panels require minimal upkeep beyond an inspection and cleaning once or twice a year to keep them running at optimal performance. Most solar panels come with 25+ year warranties, so you can expect decades of trouble-free service.

Some solar panel installation contracts include annual inspection and maintenance service. When not included, solar panel maintenance costs $300 to $850 per year on average. This includes a full inspection plus $150 to $500 for the cost of solar panel cleaning, depending on the job size and complexity.

Energy independence

By generating your own electricity, you gain some energy independence. This can be especially valuable in areas that are prone to power outages or where electricity rates are high and unpredictable. Solar energy systems, especially with battery storage, offer a reliable power source even during grid failures.


Solar energy systems are highly versatile and can be scaled to meet different energy needs. From small residential installations to large commercial arrays, solar technology can be adapted to suit various applications. This flexibility makes solar energy accessible to a wide range of users, from homeowners to large industrial facilities.

Government incentives

Many governments offer incentives to encourage changes that improve home energy efficiency, such as solar energy integration. These may include tax credits, rebates, and grants that significantly reduce the initial cost. While incentives vary by location, they often make solar more financially accessible and increase the return on investment (ROI).

  • The Residential Clean Energy Credit is a federal tax credit of up to 30% on most residential solar energy and storage systems.

  • In many states, Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) allow homeowners to lower their electricity bill further based on the power their systems generate back to the public grid.

Disadvantages of solar energy

High initial cost

While the cost is much lower than it was a decade ago, installing a solar energy system is not cheap. After the federal tax credit, the average solar panel installation costs $12,600 to $31,500 total for the panels themselves, wiring, inverters, and labor.

While the long-term savings can be significant, the high upfront cost can be a barrier for many homeowners and businesses.

Weather dependence

Solar panels need sunlight to generate electricity, which means they only capture energy during the day, and cloudy or rainy weather can reduce their effectiveness. This weather dependence can make solar energy less reliable in regions with frequent cloud cover or long periods of inclement weather.

Energy storage

To use solar power at night or during periods of low sunlight, you need to either remain connected to the grid or invest in expensive battery storage. While battery technology is improving, the added cost of solar battery storage can significantly increase the overall cost of a solar energy system.

Space requirements

Solar panels require a lot of surface area to generate substantial amounts of electricity. While the roof is the most common location, not all homes are suitable due to their size, shape, or orientation. Large-scale solar farms require even more space, which can be a challenge in densely populated areas.

Environmental impact

While solar energy itself is clean and renewable, producing solar panels requires energy, raw materials, and can produce waste and emissions. Additionally, some solar panel materials are obtained through environmentally damaging mining processes. However, the long-term environmental benefits of solar energy typically outweigh these initial impacts.

Aesthetic concerns

While modern solar panels are designed to be sleek and unobtrusive, they still alter the appearance of a home or building, and some homeowners and communities find them unattractive. In some cases, local zoning laws or homeowners associations (HOAs) may restrict or prohibit the installation of solar panels.

Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels on a home's roof
Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels on a home's roof

Solar power FAQs

Is solar energy worth it?

Whether solar energy is worth the investment depends on several factors:

  • Location & climate: Areas with abundant sunshine year-round are ideal for solar energy. That said, even regions with less consistent sunlight can benefit from solar power.

  • Electricity rates: If you live in an area with high electricity costs, the potential savings from solar energy make it an attractive option.

  • Available incentives: Research local, state, and federal incentives that could reduce your upfront costs and improve your ROI.

  • Energy consumption: Use an online energy use calculator to determine the size of the solar system you would need and the potential savings it could offer.

  • Roof condition & orientation: Ensure your roof is in good condition and properly oriented to maximize solar exposure. Since solar panels often last 25+ years, installing them when your roof is new, or nearly new, is the most cost-effective route.

  • Long-term plans: Consider how long you plan to stay in your current home, as the savings from solar energy accumulate over time.

Do solar panels increase home value?

Yes, solar panels increase home value. A well-maintained solar system that results in a very low or eliminated electric bill can be a major draw for potential buyers. However, the actual value increase depends on your location, electricity rates, the solar market, and whether you buy or lease the solar panels.

How long do solar panels last?

On average, solar panels last 25 to 30 years when installed correctly and well maintained. Factors like location, climate, panel type, and quality, and maintenance frequency all influence solar panels' lifespan. Good quality professionally installed solar panels typically come with a 25-year warranty.

Get free estimates from solar panel installers near you.

Getting estimates from solar companies

When researching solar installation companies near you, be sure to:

  • Search for contractors who hold accreditation from the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) and are part of professional organizations like:

  • Check out their profiles and customer feedback on sites like HomeGuide and Google.

  • Ask for local references along with their contact details.

  • Compare at least three quotes from reputable solar companies. Make sure the estimates break down all parts of the installation, the number of watts per panel, the cost per watt, and any incentives or rebates that have been factored in.

  • Hire only a licensed, bonded, and insured solar contractor who has been in business in the area for several years.

  • Ensure you have a contract and warranty in hand before they begin the installation.

  • Be wary of extremely low prices as this can often signal a lack of experience or inferior quality work. Given that solar panels can last at least a couple of decades, proper installation is key.

Questions to ask a solar contractor

Ask these questions to help you choose the best company for your solar energy system installation:

  • How many years have you been in business in this area?

  • Do you hold accreditation from the NABCEP?

  • Are you a member of any other professional organizations related to renewable energy?

  • Is my home suitable for a solar panel system?

  • What type of solar panels would you recommend for my home, and why?

  • How big of a solar system do I need to eliminate my electricity bill?

  • How do you calculate what size solar system I'll need?

  • Is my roof in good enough condition for a solar panel installation?

  • Will I need to upgrade my electrical panel to support the new solar system?

  • Is there room to add more solar panels later if my energy needs increase?

  • Does the quote include all required components, installation, permit and interconnection fees, and cleanup?

  • How soon can you install a solar energy system on my home?

  • How long do you expect the installation to take, and do I need to be home for it?

  • Will installing solar panels void the warranty on my roof?

  • Is this system eligible for any rebates or incentives? If so, will you help me obtain them?

  • How long is the warranty, and what exactly does it cover?