



We book and Find Pet Friendly Vacation Rental homes as well as Pet Friendly Hotels in the areas you Love to Travel with your Best Friends...Woof, Meow!

We also provide services in Pet Sitting, both for Dogs and Cats!

Pet Sitters, Dog Walkers, Photography, Concierge Shopping Services Provides as well!

We have been Long time Locals of the San Diego area and Love where we live! We are very familiar with all the Fun things in our town that are offered. We love to suggest and fill you in on all the best places to visit and see!

Great hiking, Beaches, Trails, Dog Beaches and Dog Parks are just a few of our Specialties!


7 employees
Serves La Jolla , CA


Length of sitting

Short visit (30 minutes), Standard visit (60 minutes), Overnight visit (10-12 hours)

Frequency of sitting

Once in total, A few times a week, Once a day, Two times a day, Three times a day, I can provide other frequencies

Type of pets

Dog, Cat, Fish, Bird, Reptile, Other indoor animal, Other outdoor animal

Number of pets

1 pet, 2 pets, 3 pets, 4 pets, 5 pets, 6 pets or more

Requested services

Giving food and water, Taking pet outside, Providing companionship, Changing litter or bedding, Providing exercise, Dispensing medication

No reviews (yet)

Ask this pro for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

Frequently asked questions

We like to have a phone call to chat and see exactly what they are looking for and learn about the clients and their Pets needs, likes and what they expect from us!

Bachelors Dregree

Owner of Pet Friendly Booking site for 8 Years.

Owner of Travel Companies in La Jolla Ca. for 12+ Years.

Services offered

Dog Walking
House Sitting
Pet Sitting