Rooter Save

Rooter Save

5.0(1 review)


30 yrs in the field new/old, commercial/residential! Ground rough, in wall, and final! Installation of all systems that has pipes, or Water, oil, gases, airs, vacuum, exhaust,running through or to! Drain Cleaning too! Small and large appliance repair as side hobby! AtoZ plumbing works! Lawn sprinklers, drinking fountain coolers, everything including the Kitch sink

Helping people out with old school integrity, and thankfulness! Customer satisfaction main goal! After al,l YOU are my Bread and Butter!


Hired 1 time
27 years in business
Serves Lytle Creek , CA


0 reviews


Leilani L.

EceLLenT ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This guY is 6 Stars!!!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 I was aBLe to geT a QuicK QuoTe unLiKe Other companies;!who wanT to InspecT firsT Wes was anLe to immediaTeLY- accomadaTe Me aT anY moment. He fiXed oTher pLumbing Issues on the spoT. He aLso giVes TiPs to sToP reoccurring issues. If You wanT someone sKiLLed and EXperienced; definiTeLY affordabLe! CaLL Wes! ThanK you WeS! SorrY raTing is wrong- I thoughT You haV to press aLL fiVe sTars BuT IT stopped on 1sT sTar; unBLe to CorrecT iT
... Show more
June 12, 2019

Frequently asked questions

Full Name



nature of work to be done(scope of Work) price before work done, so you know what you'll be paying!

Journeyman/Apprentice school/4yrs.

For many job situations, but some I will need to see and estimate! I have been known to be called Superman, but do not have XRay vision! Nevertheless price will be up front!

Looking for job to support family when 18yrs old! Father a Plumber also swayed me! Custom Golf course homes for Lake Buena Vista, a subsidiary of Walt Disney Properties, but not to be quoted! Affiliated though!

All types! From poor to rich, from common to royalty, from housing, to Movie industry, DreamWorks was old client! Everywhere, beach front, to mountain cabins! From country, mobile homes to Beverly Hills, Banks, libraries, schools, prisons, resturant, grocery stores, hospitals! Been around and well rounded!

All projects I am fond of, and class A workmanship, quality installation! All work guaranteed! Pin point under-slab concrete leak detection, and surgical repair thereof! Have pictures of jobs or referrals upon request!

Credentials!! He/she may look like a plumber, act like a plumber, but ask for proof, like journeyman, or Contractor License! Can they read plans? Good clues if your dealing with a Plumber or flummer, especially if pay by hour! Experience cost less in the long run!

Experience of plumber! Payment method excepted! Prior problems in past! Inform plumber of any chemicals known in clogged drains, before plumber gets in eyes or on skin! 

Services offered

Water Treatment Repair Or Maintenance
Plumbing Pipe Installation
Sump Pump Installation Or Replacement
Water Treatment System Installation
Plumbing Pipe Repair
Sink And Faucet Installation
Shower And Bathtub Installation
Sink And Faucet Repair
Shower And Bathtub Repair
Toilet Installation
Water Heater Installation
Toilet Repair
Water Heater Repair Or Maintenance