Arizona's Most Well Known and Largest Swimming Pool Remodel Specialty Company.
We take a different approach to new construction, building new pools based of the knowledge of what can (and usually does) go wrong with other builders...not just during the building phase but in 10-20 years from now...to avoid those pitfalls.
We built the pool as Chase Field in 2005 and have held the World Record for the FASTEST Pool Build since 1997 (Would you believe 5 hours, 57 minutes and 7 seconds!)
All we need is an opportunity and fromt he onset you will see just how amazing and awesome we are!
AS a contractor for more than 30 years, I enjoy problem solving. After being a track and custom pool builder for many years, I became aware of the issues that plague the swimming pool industry.
Bottom line...I wanted to be the guy who solved those issues.
From building materials to construction techniques, we have built a Company that has no intention of ever becoming complacent. We know that there is room for improvement - in every way and every day.
Being able to create something that becomes such a HUGE part of your everyday life gives my team and myself the desire to create that experience from day one. We work to go above and beyond to ensure that the memories last a lifetime.