Achieve Your Goals By Helping Customers Achieve Theirs
1. Always Try to Do Better
2. Anticipate Customer Needs
3. Deliver Beyond Customer Expectations
4. Be Consistent Across Channels
5. Continually Ensure Your customers Value What you Offer
6. Eliminate Dissatisfaction (So You Can Focus on Loyalty)
7. Empathize with Customers
8. Empower your Employees
9. Focus on the Experiences That Matter Most to Customers
10. Know Your Customers Top Issues
11. Help Customers Achieve Their Goals
12. If You Screw Up, Apologize – and Mean It
13. Listen to your Customers
14. Listen to your Employees
15. Make your customers feel valued
16. Embrace “Small Data”
17. Measurement isn’t About “The Number”
18. Personalize Interactions Across Channels and Touchpoints
19. Respond Quickly
20. Share Best Practices Across Internal
21. Simplify Customer (in Fact, All) Experiences
22. Educate Your Customers
hink Multi-Channel, but Nail Mobile First
Being my own boss for 35 years, I love that I have flexibility in my schedule. Even though I work a lot...I can arrange my time so as to pick up my kids from school, take them to karate and dance class, and even have lunch with my wife once a week
Leafed in 3 countries knowing 4 languages just inspire to do and share all what you can
Appliance brand
Appliance type
Photos and videos
![INSTALLING IRRIGATION](https://res.cloudinary.com/liaison-inc/image/upload/s--jvSIBFvr--/c_scale,f_webp,q_auto,w_600/v1/homeguide/user-media/prod/approved/provider/5bbf690dbc1edb75529e232d/portfolio/ayvJFqjG/5bbf690dbc1edb75529e232d_11_pictures.jpg)
![REMODEL STAIR](https://res.cloudinary.com/liaison-inc/image/upload/s--cxwU8lYt--/c_scale,f_webp,q_auto,w_600/v1/homeguide/user-media/prod/approved/provider/5bbf690dbc1edb75529e232d/portfolio/ayvJFqjG/5bbf690dbc1edb75529e232d_12_pictures.jpg)
![PC TROUBLESHOOTING OPTIMIZING](https://res.cloudinary.com/liaison-inc/image/upload/s--Ae5k5s7e--/c_scale,f_webp,q_auto,w_600/v1/homeguide/user-media/prod/approved/provider/5bbf690dbc1edb75529e232d/portfolio/ayvJFqjG/5bbf690dbc1edb75529e232d_13_pictures.jpg)
![FULL PC LAPTOP SERVICE](https://res.cloudinary.com/liaison-inc/image/upload/s--FsrUN6Si--/c_scale,f_webp,q_auto,w_600/v1/homeguide/user-media/prod/approved/provider/5bbf690dbc1edb75529e232d/portfolio/ayvJFqjG/5bbf690dbc1edb75529e232d_14_pictures.png)
laura L.
phyllis W.
vladimir P.
antony S.
Jay M.
Christina S.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
Estimate. Find convinience time. Work to 100% perfection.
Clean after all, and test & inspect
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
High School, Colledge, Self education in IT, 10 ywears computer buseness, Electronic Scintist, 2 years Culinary school and 7 years in food industry, 2 Bible Schools, work as a teatcher, 10 years in Media/youtubebe, 2 Batchelos degree, and many many more
Do you have a standard pricing system for your services? If so, please share the details here.
My price is based on the issues, if Light is off it simply kick the switch free of charge gas tips is appretiated, if bulb is out change it same way, if wire is bad inform owne, and ask what is the preferences, time, cost.
How did you get started in this business?
I always help peoples, beginning from grade 8 in USSR,
What types of customers have you worked with?
Same peoples as I 'am
Young, Couples, Singles, our respecting seen past
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
Repairing Hvac Dual system
What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a pro in your area of expertise?
Always listen your heart, not what other say
What questions should customers think through before talking to pros about their needs?
If the first question uppear is "How can I be in help to you" then this is your pro!