Homer's Exterior&interior Painting

Homer's Exterior&interior Painting

5.0(1 review)


Hi my name’s Homero Bustos, but everybody calls me Homer I am an excellent worker. I get the job done I’m there on time. If there’s something else you need fixed or done let me know and I’ll be gladly to help you if I could do it. If I can’t do it I might have somebody or know somebody that might know what to do, but I’m pretty handy with my hands, the best thing I do is paint I’m a good painter I am loyal guaranteed to get the job done. I’ve been painting for almost 10 years give or take I speak two languages English & Spanish. I will get the job done very responsible with my work there on time and I like to be fair with my work. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.


Hired 1 time
1 employee
5 years in business
Serves Wichita , KS

Payment methods

Cash, Check, Square, Apple Pay, Stripe, Zelle


Faux finish type

Marbleizing, Color washing, Fresco, Dry brushing, Venetian plaster, Chalkboard paint, Other

Property type

Residential, Commercial

Surfaces to be painted

Walls, Trim, Ceiling, Doors, Window frames

Approximate square footage

Less than 100 sq ft, 100 – 250 sq ft, 250 – 500 sq ft, 500 – 1,000 sq ft, 1,000 – 1,500 sq ft, 1,500 – 2,000 sq ft

Wall condition

Excellent - clean and smooth, Fair - minor holes and scratches, Poor - major repairs needed

Celling height

Under 8 feet, 8 – 10 feet, 10 – 14 feet, Over 14 feet, Customers who do not need painting up to ceiling

Client supplying paint

Customers that supply paint, Customers that don't supply paint, Customers that want an opinion on paint

Furniture moving needed

Jobs that require moving furniture or wall hangings, Jobs that don't require moving furniture or wall hangings

Photos and videos

  • Reviews

    0 reviews


    stephanie S.

    The painters were courteous, worked quickly and well, cleaned up well, and were responsive to problems - overall I cannot imagine a better painting experience. Exceeded All Of Our Expectations!
    ... Show more
    August 22, 2023

    Services offered

    Drywall Installation And Hanging
    Drywall Repair And Texturing
    Popcorn Texture Removal
    Exterior Painting
    Window Screen Installation Or Replacement
    Stucco Application
    Paint Removal
    Cabinet Repair
    Fence Painting
    Tile Repair
    Door Installation
    Faux Finishing Or Painting
    Floor Painting Or Coating
    Tile Installation
    Sound Proofing
    Interior Painting
    Wallpaper Removal
    House Cleaning
    Gutter Cleaning
    Window Repair
    Property Management
    Appliance Repair
    Epoxy Floor Coating
    Siding Repair
    Stucco Repair
    Cabinet Painting