How much does lawn mower repair cost?
How much does lawn mower repair cost?
The average cost for a lawn mower repair is $60. Hiring a lawn mower repair pro to fix your lawn mower, you will likely spend between $40 and $90. The price of lawn mower repair can vary greatly by region (and even by zip code).
$40 - $90 average cost
The average cost for a lawn mower repair is $60. Hiring a lawn mower repair pro to fix your lawn mower, you will likely spend between $40 and $90. The price of lawn mower repair can vary greatly by region (and even by zip code).

Average cost for Lawn Mower Repair
Most of us aren’t fond of mowing the lawn — it can be a hot, sweaty, exhausting and time-consuming chore. So when something goes wrong with your lawnmower, that just adds to the frustration.
When you need to get your lawnmower fixed, you might want to turn to a competent professional to do the job. But how much should you pay? How do you know someone’s legit or not? And is it really worth it to get the mower fixed?

Bruce “The Lawn Mower Guy” Jones, a lawnmower repair specialist in North Carolina, acknowledges there’s little, if anything, his customers can’t do themselves with a bit of time, a couple of tools, and some how-to videos on YouTube. “But I can do it better, faster, and neater,” Jones says.
When you’re trying to find a specialist like Jones who can do a “better, faster, and neater” job of fixing your lawnmower, here are four questions you should ask.
Questions to Ask
How much will the repair cost?
Is the lawnmower repair specialist being upfront?
Is the lawnmower repair specialist reputable?
Is it really worth it to get my mower repaired?
How much will the repair cost?
The cost of fixing a lawnmower depends mostly on what kind of mower you have and what the problem is. Nationally, a repair costs $40 to $90. Repairs for small walk-behind mowers usually are less expensive than repairs for large riding mowers. How your mower is powered — by gas or electricity — also can be a factor in the cost.
Mower Type | Average Costs |
Walk-behind mower | Starting at $40 |
Riding Mower | Starting at $140 |
On its website, The Mower Shop of Fishers, Indiana, says the minimum fee for repairing a household walk-behind mower at its location is $36. For a household riding mower, it’s $72. Parts and labor aren’t included in those fees. If a lawnmower repair specialist comes to your home, you might pay more.
On its website, Integrity Small Engine Repair in Milwaukee says its mobile tune-up service costs $80 for a walk-behind mower and $170 for a riding mower. Those prices include parts and labor. The business charges hourly rates for other services, such as $50 per hour for repairing a mower engine; that includes labor but does not include parts.
Jones, the North Carolina specialist, says he can complete most repairs for less than $60. At no charge, he’ll diagnose the problem with a mower.
“I don’t think it’s fair to ask customers to pay me for trying to figure out what I should already know,” Jones says.
Jones also offers free pickup and delivery of mowers he’s fixing. He charges $50 for the first half-hour of repairs and $50 per hour after that. A tune-up is $70 for a walk-behind or self-propelled mower and $140 for a riding mower.
Is the lawnmower repair specialist being upfront?
Jones says he lists the prices of common services on his website and tries to be as open about costs as possible. “There’s less confusion that way,” he says.
If a lawnmower repair specialist hasn’t listed a menu of prices online or is dodging your questions about prices, it’s probably time to move on to someone else.
While a lawnmower repair specialist might be upstanding, you still might be dealing with someone who lacks experience, and you might end up paying more “simply because they are not sure of what is actually needed or of their ability to troubleshoot, and they cannot make the repair in a timely manner,” says lawnmower repair specialist Ken Hinton, owner of Ken’s Mobile Services in Pflugerville, Texas.
Before any repair work is done, be sure you’re clear on what kind of work is being done (such as fixing the motor), how long it’ll take, and what it’ll cost.
Is the lawnmower repair specialist reputable?
One of the best places to start your search is online. Websites such as HomeGuide have amassed millions of reviews from homeowners so you can make an educated decision quickly. In addition, Jones recommends asking friends, neighbors, coworkers, and others for referrals to lawnmower repair specialists in your area. You shouldn’t base your decision solely on a lawnmower repair specialist’s nice-looking website.
“I know there more than a few ‘pop up’ repair guys who may build a great website but don’t really provide value for what they charge,” Jones says.
While you’re shopping around online, don’t put all your trust in reviews.
Jones says he’s got firsthand knowledge of bogus reviews — both positive and negative — of lawnmower repair specialists. He says he’s been approached by online marketers offering to post good reviews of his service (for a price, of course). Jones says he’s also been the victim of negative reviews, some whipped up by competitors and others by “keyboard-warrior customers who would rather lambast me in a public forum rather than resolve an issue.”
Is it really worth it to get my mower repaired?
Most of the time, fixing a lawnmower costs less than buying a new or used one.
A new mower goes for anywhere from $150 to $3,000. The price tag depends on the type of mower. For instance, a gas-powered walk-behind mower likely will be the cheapest option, whereas a riding mower probably will be the costliest option.
Check online to get free estimates, then once you’ve determined how much it’ll cost to repair your mower, you’ll want to weigh that against how much it would cost to buy a new or used mower.
Hinton, the Texas repair specialist, says the life expectancy of a lawnmower ranges anywhere from a few years to 20 years. Generally, he recommends replacing a mower when repair costs will exceed 50% to 80% of the replacement cost of a mower has surpassed at least 50% of the mower’s expected life.