Blythe John Electric
Serving Tiburon/Belvedere for 35+ years. If you have need for electric or lighting services, we will get the job done for you quickly, carefully and with minimum disruption to your schedule and home.
John Blythe Electric has been serving Marin since 1982 with more than 2850 satisfied customers. In fact we still see some of our early customers when they need us, 30+ years later!
When you call John Blythe Electric, you talk to me, John Blythe, directly. There are no secretaries or order takers here. I am always happy to give free advice and suggestions and to discuss your project. I take pride in figuring out the best ways to accomplish your project economically. I don’t like seeing people waste money on poorly thought-out installations. Please feel free to call any time with questions.
Getting projects done for people efficiently.