Honest Home Inspections, Llc
- All our inspectors are certified in home inspection AND mold inspections. Not only are they able to identify signs of possible mold, but they also carry mold testing equipment with them.
- Our inspectors always test for natural gas leaks; they even use the same test equipment H.V.A.C. representative’s use. On average, we find a gas leak every other week. Surprisingly, not all home inspectors perform this test.
- We provide a summary page at the conclusion of the inspection. Then later the SAME NIGHT, we e mail you, and your Realtor, a user name and password so you can view the full report, including digital color pictures, off our website. Finally, we direct mail you a hard copy of the report the next day.
- Another benefit is the “Home Owner’s Manual” we provide at the end of the inspection, for free. It has helpful tips on home maintenance, and guide on how your home works, and some energy saving tips.
- Honest Home Inspections provides hang tags to identify safety shut off valves.
- We also provide magnetic white boards to help you remember when you last changed your furnace filter and last flushed your water heater.
- Finally, we also offer to our clients a trusted resource list. This is a list of contractors we personally keep in contact with, weekly if not monthly. From plumber, roofer, mold remediator’s, to radon midigator’s, we have tried to work with one of all the contractors needed for your house. Although we can’t guarantee their work, we have used them personally and they have done a professional job for us.
- Our inspectors ONLY use digital radon measurement machines, which are cleaner, faster, and the reports are easy enough for lay people such as us to read.
We educate as we evaluate: Whether you’re a first time home buyer or veteran home owner, you will learn more about your new home then you know about your current home. From Grading to attic ventilation, to windows, and safety shut off valves, we want you to know as much as possible about your new home.