Dandy Painting
Dandy Painting is the most reliable painting company in Washington. We are a family owned and operated company and we take great pride in being accountable and transparent to all our customers. You can rest easy knowing that our professional painters will do a dandy job the first time around. We always prep our workspaces to protect our customers’ property and valuables. At the end of every paint job, we will thoroughly clean up after ourselves. Enjoy quality solutions and five-star painting services without the hefty price tag. Discover the Dandy difference for yourself! Schedule a free estimate online or contact us directly at 206-701-7702. Tell us all about your upcoming project now!
As a reliable painting company, we provide complete painting solution both for residential and commercial, including interior paint, exterior paint, interior drywall repair, cabinet refinishing, deck painting, porches and doors painting. Visit our website to learn our complete painting solutions and schedule an estimate.