Courtney’s Classy Critters
I am a one woman show! Ok, I'd like to say that but in reality, my 19 yr old daughter helps me as much as possible. See, in 2016 I was diagnosed w second degree basal cell carcinoma breast cancer at 37 yrs old. I was and still am a single mother so being out of the game wasn't possible. Since I'm an animal lover, dog lover especially, I decided to dogsit and dogcare whenever possible. It's provided a way to bring some money in while being able to make my own schedule, never miss my doctor appointments, take the time I need for surgeries (16 surgeries so far, MRSA 8 times, Cellulitis and many other complications). In Jan of 2020 both my mother and I found out we had ovarian cancer. By May 5, 2020 she passed away. So I had a radical hysterectomy ten days later. And I was able to do that w the flexibility I had.