Poofy Poochie Mobile Pet Salon
Our groomers are the best in the area. Just read our reviews or ask our clients!
Hired 6 times
5 employees
5 years in business
Serves Murphy , TX
Dog size
Extra Small (1 - 15 lbs), Small (16 - 25 lbs), Medium (26 - 40 lbs), Large (41 - 70 lbs), Extra large (70+ lbs)
Dog coat type
Smooth, skin-like coat, Wavy or curly coat, Silky coat with fine hair, Wiry, bristly coat, Thick, fluffy double-coat
Additional dogs
Yes, 1 additional dog, Yes, 2 additional dogs, Yes, 3 additional dogs
No reviews (yet)
Ask this pro for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
So simple! Just text me at 614.746.5160 and I will book a pampering for you.
Services offered
Cat Grooming
Dog Grooming