Muka Interiors, LLC

Muka Interiors, LLC

5.0(1 review)


Quick response,High quality of work, low price, We guaranty our work,


5 employees
25 years in business
Serves Brooklyn , NY

Payment methods

Credit Card, Cash, Check, Zelle


Basement finishing or remodeling plans

Customers does not have existing plans, but has a good idea of want they want, Customers does not have existing plans and needs design suggestions, Customers has existing plans and just needs installation

Modifying or adding or living space to basement

I work with customers who are modifying or adding living space to basement, I work with customers who are not modifying or adding living space to basement, I work with customers who not sure about modifying or adding living space to my basement

Electrical or plumbing work needed

I work jobs that require electrical or plumbing work, I work jobs that do not require electrical or plumbing work, I work jobs where customer is unsure if electrical or plumbing work is needed

Structural or weight bearing basement features

I can work with customers who are adding structural or weight-bearing features to basement, I can work with customers who are not be adding structural or weight-bearing features to basement, I can work with customers who are not sure if they will be adding structural or weight-bearing features to basement

Approximate square footage

Less than 500 sq. ft., 500 – 1,000 sq. ft., 1,001 – 1,500 sq. ft., More than 1,500 sq. ft.

Property type

Residential, Commercial


0 reviews


Jessica O.

Quick respose . Price was resonable, they deliver high quality crafstmanship. My kitchen looks beautiful .highly recomanded .
... Show more
August 10, 2020

Frequently asked questions

After we get the information for the customer we contact them rightway, schedule an appoitment for estimate at location , after visiting location and taking all information from customer we provide writen estimate via e-mail, customer contact back to move forward we  schedule appoitment for installation and completition of work.

Services offered

General Contracting
Basement Finishing
Home Remodeling
Kitchen Remodel