Andy Riera
Hello my name is Andy Riera, I am a dog owner so I have experience taking care of pets and I am very responsible and trustworthy to housesit as well. It is my goal to give 100 percent satisfaction to you and be able to attend to all your ends no matter the situation. I am a student at Kean University just trying to get money for my tuition and bills
Number of dogs
1 dog, 2 dogs
Dog age
0 – 1 years old, 1 – 2 years old, 2 – 10 years old, 10 years or older
Dog size
Extra Small (1 – 15 lbs), Small (16 – 25 lbs)
Walk duration
15 minutes, 30 minutes (standard), 45 minutes, 60 minutes
Walk group size
Can service either group or private walks, Can add dogs to existing groups, Can provide private walks
Additional services
Feeding, Medication, Other
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Services offered
Dog Walking
House Sitting
Pet Sitting