I am a small dog groomer. I groom From My Home in south west detroit mi.
I can board your pets in your home, house sit as well, cat grooming is only allowed when they are brought to me starting as kittens. I do not groom dogs over 20 lbs.
Payment methods
Dog size
Dog coat type
Additional dogs
Photos and videos

Tay F.
Frequently asked questions
How did you get started in this business?
When i was freshly graduated from high school i groomed my pets not knowing i was going to eventually "grow up" to be a groomer. I was talented in clipping and caught on fast to things i read and seen related to pets. I soon had family members and neighbors requesting my grooming for small donations and i got the experience and practice through them. Im still grooming to this day and i love it. I do everything for and live life for all animals. Im a freestyle groomer, meaning i'm not a show style groomer, I give each dog their own style.
What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a pro in your area of expertise?
Go with a groomer who will be 100% honest with you in order to build the trust needed to leave your pets with them for any service.
What questions should customers think through before talking to pros about their needs?
Please remember to leave your phone number so I can contact you. Without a phone number I cannot respond to your requests :).
Other things I may need to know before giving a quote..
Your name
What do you and your pet need?
What species is your pet?
Weight of your pet?
Sex of your pet (if canine /feline)?
Any special needs?
Date required for your desired service?
Matting, fleas, aggressive or fearful,
Emergency contact name
emergency phone #?
Vet name
Vet #?