Dudley | Frank Home Team
The sale or purchase of real property is the biggest and most important transaction in the lives of most people today. With so much on the line, isn’t it an absolute necessity to work with someone you trust and confide in? Wouldn’t you want the highest levels of integrity, professionalism, and diligence from this person? These are the foundations for which our business builds.
In what can be a very complex and stressful process, we work together with our clients to make it as pleasurable and stress-free as possible. Our knowledge of market trends and local factors allow us to guide clients through the process meticulously, thus to eliminate the many potential hassles throughout the transaction. Each of our clients gets 100% of our skills and abilities to close each deal, as quickly and efficiently as possible. In our experience, the more support clients receive, the more comfortable they become and the more pleasurable business can be. Our success can only be measured by the satisfaction of our clients, as they are the lifeblood of our business. Without them, we wouldn’t be in business. Feel free to contact us with anything you might need in real estate, we are available to help you anytime.
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Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
Ultimately it is the customer that drives this process, but to provide the best level of service, our goal is to meet with the client face to face, either in person, or online, to find out how we can best suit their needs.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
We have multiple accredidations, including GRI - Graduate of Realtor Institute, ABR - Accredited buyers representative, CNE - Certified Negotiation Expert, Green - Green Building Certification... to name a few.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your services? If so, please share the details here.
Pricing for our services can range depending on the client, and services required. Our goal is to get the buyers the best deal on their future home, and NET the sellers the most money possible from listing with our team.
Ultimately our service has driven buyers to an average purchase price 4.2% UNDER listing price, and sellers on average are seeing sales for ONLY 1.8% less than advertised listing!