IWelcome to my website and thank you for your interest and trust.
I would like to introduce myself to you.
My name is Lars, I am 47 years old and studied canine behavior therapist. I come from Germany and I
may live in this beautiful area for 4 years because my husband works at the German embassy.
I myself used to be very convinced of the K9 method and have worked with it for a long time, but
have found more and more often that this method is not suitable for all dogs and therefore studied
at the ATN Academy in Germany.
In this very broad-based course, I was able to greatly improve my skills in reading expressive behavior
in dogs and I was taught many new tools for therapy.
I only work with dogs that have real problems, be it fears or aggression and everything else in
I do not work with dogs who have just abused your Manolo Blahnik as a chewing bone.
I would be very happy if I can help you understand your darling even better and clear up one or
another misunderstanding.
Because problems only arise through incorrect or insufficient communication.
I love to be out and about with the dogs, swim with you, go hiking, go to the dog park or just relax lazily with the dogs on the couch afterwards.
I enjoy it when I can win the trust of an anxious dog.
Dogs have been my best friends since I was born, they have never disappointed me and much more.
Photos and videos

Donald J H.
Clare R.
andrea S.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
A dog owner should tell me by email what I can help him with.