Repairing and diagnosing issues with plumbing is amazing in how water pressure and gas works. Please contact 504-202-7330 for scheduling. I enjoy the power of water in that it is essential to life. Water is life and what better way to pay homage to your vitality then working with the one thing that truly makes us liquid. We strive to maintain and provide our customers with reasonable prices and guarantees to assure you the best fit for your lifestyle.
Installing or repairing plumbing issues for customers is quite an experience. Most people don't understand the concept behind the application of the fixtures in plumbing. It can be a pain and a joy to inform my customers the inner workings of plumbing along with what may or may not happen to their existing plumbing systems. I love this line of work being it deals with our most valuable resource. Water, this nourishing life sustaining element is the most versatile and amazing thing in the world. To give anyone the opportunity to use and apply this in their home is my pleasure to grant.
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candace L.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
All rates are measured through our standard median process of all occupational plumbers throughout the region. Included but not limited to budgeting and owner income or affordability. Our work is guaranteed for a limited time. If you want it we will do it reserving the fact of our limitations as man. We check all factors in regards to our craftsmanship after the work is completed to assure operation. The customer is expected to agree upon inspection that our company nor technician is at fault for any damages that are prior or during inspection. To proceed work it is agreed that the third party or owner allows us to start process at either an agreed price or otherwise allow for change due to extenuating circumstances during repair or installation to prevent any complications for proper installation. After work completed customer agrees to satisfaction of jobs rendered and a guarantee is provided if any. All contracts between Wet Works and the customer are subject to change and negotiable to meet both parties needs upon request.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I have over 15 years in the plumbing industry with license in 2 states California and Wisconsin which by standards are the strictest in plumbing codes. Due to this notion my knowledge exceeds scope of area in most states. In this fact my work is built by a standard of excellence that should meet any work alloted to the company. I understand dynamics of fluidics and volumetric that adhere to the understanding or operations of plumbing needs. I have over 12 certificates in safety training Osha certs, S.A.F.E. start, 4hrs confined space, plumbers appliance license, Master Plumbing Cal./Wis., forklift, backhoe, etc.(due to annual continuation of irrigation services most irrigation license are null) should not be issue for any irrigation services acquired though. In Louisiana I have over 3 years of residential and commercial work yet require was for transfer of license, coming soon but not to dismay everything I do is professional and all proper paper work is resolved for any concerns you might have. Thank you for your time in reading this and stay blessed.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your services? If so, please share the details here.
Most pricing is based upon the national average via online resources and divided to get the mean. Usually upon this mean average I reduce the overall cost depending upon material prices at market value. Depending upon the type of job I evaluate the customers expenses income and budget( if provided by customer) I will usually negotiate costs and defer the discount and keep the original price on the invoice and claim it as charity provided for tax purposes of this service that is not always feasible for some customers. I believe in working with my customers at any rate to help establish a cleaner environment and sustainability for all residents and businesses. So don't be discouraged at a number given to you for any job just ask me and I will gladly work with you on lower costs effectively to get the job done.
How did you get started in this business?
Oddly enough I use to do Irrigation and landscaping I saw the wages of a plumber and set out to establish a trade and gain knowledge in the industry. Living the proponents of water I asked a local owner for a job. He asked if I knew anything I told him no. He looked at my eagerness and sincerity to give it my all. So he asked if I could come to his house and install a sprinkler system in his yard. He said if I could complete this task and perform a good job then I was hired. So the next couple of days I promptly showed up to install the system and proved my worth at my word. So he did as well, we shook hands he paid me for the job and hired me on his company. I continued to work for Danny for the next 5 years till I got injured then took leave and ended up working in other states broadening my knowledge and gaining certificates around the country including Wisconsin, California, Missouri and Louisiana. I study fluidics and any material I can about the properties of water and dynamics of plumbing due to its valuable asset to individuals and businesses that need this viable resource to continue operating and living in comfort.
What types of customers have you worked with?
*laughs* every type you can think of... (rolls eyes)
What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a pro in your area of expertise?
Not all technicians have answers for you if hand, must plumbers I know can't describe the work they do even though they can do it like there's no tomorrow and be great at it. Don't get discouraged with the vocabulary of a person rendering the service just ask how long they have been in the trade if they are certified even then I know plumbers across the US that are bad test takers so they are scared to fail. So they keep a journeyman. That doesn't mean they aren't as good as a master plumber. Years in the trade and a fair pricing should give you an idea of they're experience in the field. If someone quotes you too low they're trying to bait you if they're too high then they might not know the trade all it takes is a little research online to see the ranges of work performed. And although plumbing prices are high don't forget we're dealing with your toilets and places that you wash and dispose your unwanted things.
What questions should customers think through before talking to pros about their needs?
Does it involve tools I don't have, and do I know plumbers math. Google plumbers math, especially if your doing anything related with water pressure. Then if you can calculate those parameters to the fittings and guidelines to proper tightening and relations to the threads on your pvc or other pipe material then enjoy reducing costs. Yet I also could do online consultation for a fee and live video for diy enthusiasts at a cost. If you needed assistance after you did it yourself I could charge a service fee and check your work and list problems and fix minor issues upon these inspections.