Shear Comfort
We strive to consistently produce a clean, fresh smelling pet with a haircut that is adorable, manageable, and proportional in a safe environment – all for a reasonable price.
We realize many pets do not appreciate their day at the spa so we try to make their visit as stress free as possible. First, we suggest regular grooming, that is every 4-8 weeks, starting as young as possible but certainly by at least 4 months of age.
Nail trimming: Just drop your pet off for a half hour and we will do the pet’s nails for $13.
Bath and tidy: Includes a soothing bath and blow dry, ear cleaning and trimming of nails, pads, feet, face and private areas. Prices based on size and coat of the pet.
Full grooming: Includes all of the bath and tidy plus a full haircut. Prices based on size, haircut, breed and condition of the dog.