JI Sitting

JI Sitting



We are two people looking to pet sit or house sit so we can pay for our schooling. We are very organized and structured people.


2 employees
1 year in business
Serves Tampa , FL


Number of dogs

1 dog, 2 dogs, 3 dogs or more

Dog age

0 – 1 years old, 1 – 2 years old, 2 – 10 years old, 10 years or older

Dog size

Extra Small (1 – 15 lbs), Small (16 – 25 lbs), Medium (26 – 40 lbs), Large (41 – 70 lbs), Extra large (70+ lbs)

Walk duration

15 minutes, 30 minutes (standard), 45 minutes, 60 minutes

Walk group size

Can service either group or private walks, Can add dogs to existing groups, Can provide private walks

Additional services

Feeding, Baths, Grooming, Medication, Other

No reviews (yet)

Ask this pro for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

Services offered

Dog Walking
House Sitting
Pet Sitting
House Cleaning