D'Pelitos Style

D'Pelitos Style



I give your Pet a Real Spa Day !

Full Grooming

Bath, Nail trimming, Ear cleaning

Teeth Brushing


2 employees
7 years in business
Serves Fort Lauderdale , FL


Dog size

Extra Small (1 - 15 lbs), Small (16 - 25 lbs), Medium (26 - 40 lbs), Large (41 - 70 lbs), Extra large (70+ lbs)

Dog coat type

Smooth, skin-like coat, Wavy or curly coat, Silky coat with fine hair, Wiry, bristly coat, Thick, fluffy double-coat

Additional dogs

Yes, 1 additional dog, Yes, 2 additional dogs, Yes, 3 additional dogs

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Ask this pro for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

Frequently asked questions

Firts at all I introduce the nice place to the pet and let him/her fell confortable on it. 

I invited them to get on the table just with a simple step (no jumps needed); I pamper them a little as they allow me to do it... they do like the place and the rest of the process and enjoy the spa day, they really love it! 

Certified Groomer

Pet Dental Cleaning Service Certificate

Five years experience in Florida

The rate is related to the service, the pet race and size. 

Initially I learned to do the service to my own pets (two dogs and a cat) and my family pets: them, I get in love with this job, I when I arrived to US (I'm from Venezuela) I saw a real business oportunity with this lovely duty. 

I'm used to go to my customers homes (first at a grommer of a big company on miami, later by my own). Family pets: dog, cats (some rabbits too), From bigger dogs to the smallers ones. Older and puppies. 

The care of the pet is very important to his live quality: regular baths, sanitary care, healthy food and mantle (or hair) care related with the race, size and dog age. Pet is part of the family circle, lives with you, your kids and your relatives, getting a pet is a blessing but is also a huge duty. 

More tha asking questions, families must get the feel of how will be the Groomer with the pet, a good relation betwen them is very important. The pet must be confortable with the person that is taken care of him, and the groomer must be kind with them.  

Services offered

Cat Grooming
Dog Grooming