At Pawtastix we will love your pets as if they were are own. I take great pride in the way I groom my customers dog. I know they comprehend what I'm telling them. I talk to them the whole time I'm grooming them, let him know it's OK and I'm not gonna do nothing tthst will hurt them I'm just gonna make them beautiful. I care about there wellbeing be that's the most important thing. If they're comfortable then they won't mind going to the groovers cause indeed they're going to have a good time or at least come out looking good. I'm one of the only few groomers that will take seniors and dogs if they have a disabilities. It just takes a little more time and a little more patience. The thing is I don't mind spending extra time with each dog I go visit because it's not about how many can get in how much money can we get in like most mobile groomers. I like to know that when I leave my dog is happy and the owner is happy
My favorite part of what I enjoy the most is when I'm brought rescue dogs that they find on the streets. I get to clean them up and make them look good so they are adopteable. The condition that some of these dogs are brought to me is horrific and to watch myself cut their hair and see them smile and know that I'm helping them is very rewarding that makes me very happy and that makes me very fulfilled. Don't get me wrong I liove all the animals but those are the ones that touch my heart because if it wasn't for the rescue if it wasn't for me helping they probably wouldn't be off the streets and would never know what love is or a forever family
Photos and videos

Edward E.
Edward E.
Gregg G.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
I do tend to ask a lot of questions but that's cause I'd like to know what it is that I'm doing and what they are looking for so I can give them the right service. I want to give them exactly what they want and I will ask them how they want their dogs groomed, how they want them cut, I will do exactly as they ask nothing more nothing less I will not take it upon myself to think that I can groom the dog differently because I think it'll look better. It's always the owners who decide how they want their furkids to look
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I have worked for other mobile grooming and I finally was able to get my own trailer and start up my own.
How did you get started in this business?
After working for another groomer and just fallling in love with the budiness i deceided ro save up my money and buy my own trailer.